Tuesday 9 October 2012

I Shit You Not

Ok, I wasn't going to do this. But fuck it. What's the internet for if not exposing how vile, disgusting, repulsive and abhorrent human beings really are? Here's the deal. I rent a room in a flat. The other guy who lives here is also the landlord - he owns the flat. I find living where I do fairly OK for the most part...except for one thing. The landlord (who shall remain anonymous...for now) has a problem. A problem the likes of which I have never, ever encountered. Even after six years in the fucking navy:

Yes, he leaves these kinds of stains on the toilet roll. How? I really don't care to find out, but I must admit that it's a totally new experience for me. I have never encountered this kind of thing, so I'm a bit unsure of how to react to it. In case you can't guess, those stains on the inside of the communal bogroll are shit. Human shit. From his arse. On the communal bogroll. What. The. Fuck.

It doesn't even end there. Oh no. I'm constantly having to wipe the toilet seat to get rid of the strange brown stains that seem to appear at random. And one time I found a clod of faeces the size of a pound coin stuck underneath the seat.

Look at what I have to deal with. LOOK AT IT.


Unknown said...

Never using the communal roll again!

RealChicGeek said...

This is disturbing! He must've missed out on potty training! Get that guy a litter box stat! No, keep your own toilet paper and bring it with you each time...and squat instead of sit.

CageFightingBlogger said...

Time to go back to the uni digs technique of taking your own bogroll into the communal toilet and taking it back out with you afterwards. You run out, you don't wipe at all.